In Honor of our Blessed Mother Mary Please join St. Michael the Archangel’s Sodality Ministry during the month of October in fundraising for the Gabriel Project ( to help Pregnant Mothers Choose Life. We are asking for donations from the following list:
Baby shampoo and lotion
Baby towels and wash cloths
Receiving blankets
Onesies for infants through size 24
Underwear and socks (sizes infant through 14/16)
Clothing new or gently used (boys and girls: infant through 14/16)
Diapers (especially sizes newborn and 3, 4 and 5)
Diaper bags
Infant Formula
We will also accept monetary donations to be used to purchase items from the list. Checks may be made payable to St. Michael the Archangel on the memo line write Gabriel Project and placed in the offertory basket.
These Items may be placed in the Gabriel Project Crib in the Church Vestibule and will be delivered to the Gabriel Project Cluster representatives.