Do you have a strong desire to serve as an altar server? We’re inviting children who have received their 1st Communion and are in 4th grade through 12th grade to join us!
Los Talleres de Oración y Vida inician el miercoles 5 de Febrero en el Centro Parroquial de San MIguel Arcangel. Aprenda a conseguir paz en su vida por medio de la oración y la meditación bíblica en solo 16 sesiones diseñadas por el Padre Ignacio Larrañaga. Para más información vea el boletín o inscríbase hablando al 3016408853 con Karla Roque.
Through your generosity, we have nearly completed financing our restored pews. As of November 30, 2024, the original $127,100 expense has been reduced to only $24,483.
The Communications Committee seeks volunteers with expertise in digital media analytics to measure engagement with and effectiveness of the parish's digital platforms, including the web site, Flocknotes, Facebook, Instagram, and Youtube.
Thank you to all our parishioners who have made their gift to the 2024 Annual Appeal. As of November 30, St. Michael the Archangel Parish has reached 69% of our parish goal of $97,000 with 193 parishioners participating.
Through your generosity, we have nearly completed financing our restored pews. As of October 31, 2024, the original $127,100 expense has been reduced to only $25,564. Please help us complete the financing of our pews this year.
Please stop by the Giving Tree at the back of the church and take an ornament to support a family in need. Please return your gift card by December 22 by placing it in the collection basket. We thank you for your generosity.
Monday, December 9, is the Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception, a Holy Day of Obligation. Mass in English will be celebrated at 8AM and noon. Bilingual Mass will be celebrated at 7PM.
On Wednesday, November 20, and Thursday, November 21, Mass will be celebrated at noon only. There will be no 8AM Mass on these days. For the week of November 25 thru November 29, Mass will be celebrated at noon only on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. On Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday, Mass will be celebrated at 8AM only.
Through your generosity, we have nearly completed financing our restored pews. As of September 30, 2024, the original $127,100 expense has been reduced to only $26,861.
Thank you to all our parishioners who have made their gift to the 2024 Annual Appeal. As of October 31, St. Michael the Archangel Parish has reached 68% of our parish goal of $97,000 with 189 parishioners participating.
The Sodality will be selling Advent Wreaths and Candles in the Vestibule before Masses through December 1, the beginning of Advent. The cost for the set will be $20.
Friday, November 1, is the Solemnity of All Saints, a Holy Day of Obligation. Vigil Mass in English will be celebrated at 7PM on Thursday, October 31. On Friday, November 1, Mass in English will be celebrated at 8AM and noon, and Mass in Spanish will be celebrated at 7PM.
Please join St. Michael the Archangel’s Sodality Ministry during the month of October in fundraising for the Gabriel Project to help Pregnant Mothers Choose Life.
The Knights of Columbus Box of Joy program continues until the end of October. Please pick up boxes and brochures from the church vestibule and deliver the completed boxes to the return shipping box in the church vestibule or to the parish office by Sunday, October 27.
Through your generosity, we have nearly completed financing our restored pews. As of August 31, 2024, the original $127,100 expense has been reduced to only $27,372.